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Title: RFID Based Wireless Jewellery Inventory and Management System
Authors: Patel, Vishwa B.
Keywords: IC 2011
Project Report 2011
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2011
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MICC14
Abstract: The project is designed for jewellery management. The cutting edge concept of the project involves RFID technology. The system is used for counting and management of jewellery stock. This is very different from the conventional methods of barcode system or manual counting. Both of above are very time consuming and also it involves human so it may increase the error ratio. In the barcode system, only one item at a time can be read so it consumes very much time. To conquer these problems RFID technology can be used which is faster and more accurate for management of jewellery. The system hardware contains ARM processors interfaced with RFID Reader and 16x2 LCD display. The RFID reader detects the unique tag attached to jewellery in its range and displays the number of tags present in that area on LCD. This system can detect more than one tag at time which helps to save time of counting. Software named JIMS is used to see the details of item on PC. The system is battery operated as well as it uses wireless module so it can be used anywhere in the required place. An exclusive feature of searching the jewellery when it is misplaced makes the system more helpful to the jewellers. The RFID detector detects the tag(s) which is attached to jewellery and it indicates its present by glowing LED. To get the complete detail of jewellery a button is provided in the system called DETAIL BUTTON. When this button is pressed complete details of the item is displayed on screen. A facility of switching the backlight on or off is also given in the system. As the system is battery operated it needs charging at some ffxed period of time. To know the battery level status a battery level indicator is provided in the system.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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