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Title: Design And Implementation Of Sample Recognition and Separation System using C-MS Interface with Industrial Automation
Authors: Patel, Shreyaskumar S.
Keywords: IC 2012
Project Report 2012
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2012
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MICC19;
Abstract: Biomedical, Chemical and many other fields identification of unknown substances and confirmation of target compounds for various applications. One of the techniques is using chromatography mass spectrometer is used for analysis and separation of samples. Chromatography is easy method for it. In this project we are going to develop one interface system that identification of unknown substances and confirmation of target compounds by synchronizing Mass spectrometer with C-MS interface system which consists of Rheodyne valve, Laser pointer, Chromatography column and Piston Cylinder which are coupled with each-other in the system. In this project High performance liquid chromatography is a very fast and convenient method to separate samples. Now a very convenient and universal C-MS system is available which can fully-automatically extract zones of interest and direct them online into any brand of MS system. Here PLC-HMI software to decide how much quantity of samples enter & exit from an interface system and also we use some timers to decide circular of solvent into the system. N2 gas generator for an automatic cleaning of the column between the extractions. Basically this project is Fully-automatic instrument involving automatic piston movement for pressure seal of both glass plates and aluminum foils. This project based on Chromatography means that separations of mixtures of various compounds are based on their distribution between a stationary and a mobile phase, which are present in a chromatographic column. Application and benefits of this interface system is in Nano-technology and Research & Development Area.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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