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Title: BACnet Implimentation In LabView
Authors: Barodiya, Suyash
Keywords: IC 2014
Project Report 2014
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2014
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MICC28;
Abstract: BACnet (Building automation and control network) is a protocol which is used for data exchange and communication over the network especially in Building Automation. H.K Automation have built their own SCADA based on LabVIEW and MySQL, and our project is to use the same platform to develop the BACnet protocol. Currently H.K Automation using some kind of protocol convertor or gateway (BACnet to RS-485), which is optional and have some time leg in communication and many other things.Project has started with the literature survey of BACnet, after getting sufficient Knowledge, second phase has been started which was implementation of BACnet device which is the key for testing the protocol. Implementation work has started with using different simulation tools like Hercules, and VSPE (Virtual serial port emulator), and then the BACnet device, for which the arduino platform has been used, which is a very popular in field of Engineering and Research. Most important part of this project is the book which is “BACnet the global standard for building automation and control networks " , this book tells you everything about the protocol and how it supposed to work on embedded system and other platforms, we have referred the same for this project. After the successful completion of this project one would be able to communicate the BACnet device with LabVIEW directly and it will also bring the cost down as it will replace the use of gateway, and also the communication time will be improve.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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