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Title: Emissions Control in Power Generation Systems
Authors: Shah, Swati
Keywords: IC 2013
Project Report 2013
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2013
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MICC19;
Abstract: Combined cycle power plants which utilize the Brayton cycle gas turbine and Rankine cycle steam turbine with natural gas and water as working fluids achieve efficient and economic power generation. These systems provided flexibility that satisfies both utility power generation and industrial cogeneration applications. Current commercial available power generation combined cycle plants achieve more than 60% of net plant efficiency. Then there are internal combustion (IC) engines which are used in locomotives, trucks/buses, drilling, fracking, as well as power generation applications. Both GT power plants and IC engines systems have stringent emissions regulations which are typically met by using aftertreatment of exhaust gases. Emissions standards have become more stringent throughout the last decade, especially for transient operations of these systems, and will continue up to zero emission level in the future. The objective of this project is to perform a detailed state-of-the-art study in the area of NOx reduction through aftertreament, and also design & evaluate advanced control strategies for emissions reduction for power generation systems.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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