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Title: Modelling and Simulation of a Dryer System
Authors: Baxi, Harsh
Keywords: IC 2013
Project Report 2013
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2013
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 13MICC01;
Abstract: Drying is one of the complex and highly energy-consuming process unit operation used in many industry such as textile, paper, chemical, pharmaceuticals, agro and food-processing, sugar, etc. Significant R&D efforts are underway in last more than a decade to enhance dryer technology and operations to enhance its energy efficiency. In textile, drying of garments is one of the important unit operations to help the quality of the final product to meet commercial standards. In this work, a mathematical modelling and simulation framework has been developed on the MATLAB-SIMULINK® platform for rotary dryer. The model is semi-empirical based on the first principles using mass balance and moisture balance equations amongst the vegetables and hot air. Later, a mathematical model for textile dryer has been developed by modifying the rotary dryer model. The modification is done as the physical mechanism of both the dryers is different. The model simulator is also validated with the available experimental data.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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