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Title: Advanced Test Automation For Highly Configurable Software Intensive Parallel Pumping Control System
Authors: Patel, Reema
Keywords: IC 2014
Project Report 2014
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2014
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MICC19;
Abstract: To design and develop automated test system & software which can test easy start-up genie for parallel pumping control system. For that need to create setup as testing purpose hence will build parallel pumping control system which applies in Water boosting system, HVAC system application & other water application. Parallel pumping control system consist VFDs, pressure transmitter, flow meter, actuator, valves, pumps, tank etc. From which VFDs are fully customizable for pumps. Its include a start-up genie software for easy set-up, that guides users through quick & easy setup, saving valuable time for pump installers & operator. Genie that access to parameter for user specificity, pump specific alarms, warning to minimize damage & downtime. Genie employ buit-in, customizable program that remembers set parameters, making it compatible with parallel pumping control system. It also enables users to quickly make adjustments to applications without inputting multiple parameters from a cumbrous list & enabling faster commissioning. For communication purpose, used communication protocol as Modbus RTU & will use LCP later on. Modbus RTU which is used to set and read parameter from variable frequency drive to LabView after than compare it. LCP (Local Control Panel) protocol employs to capture screen & compare with reference screen. To create testing software in labview, offers that once test have been developed, it can be run quickly and repeatedly which we can say as automated test system.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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