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Title: Infrared Fiber Optics: A Qualitative Comparison
Authors: Patel, Himanshu K.
Desai, M. D.
Keywords: IR Fibers
Glass Fibers
Crystalline Fibers
Hollow Waveguides
Laser Power Delivery
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2005
Citation: National Conference on Sensors, TIET, Patiala, November 25-26, 2005
Series/Report no.: ITFIC003-7
Abstract: A variety of IR fibers are developed to meet the everincreasing need for an efficient & reliable IR fiber in CO2 laser power transmission & some military sensor applications. Even though the losses in the range of few db/m & fragile nature have slowed the acceptance of the IR fibers for certain applications, they are well accepted and best suited for their efficient utilization in chemical parameter sensing, thermometry and LASER power delivery. This paper presents a qualitative comparison of most viable and commercially available IR fibers. A logical classification of IR fiber optics is presented and different subcategories are discussed. Important optical and mechanical properties of different IR fibers are compared. On the basis of the comparison, IR fibers for specific industrial applications can be identified.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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