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Title: A Preliminary Study on the Existing Techniques for Protein Analysis
Authors: Patel, Himanshu K.
Shah, Atman
Bhatia, Nikhil
Keywords: Biological Databases
Sequence Matching
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 30-Nov-2006
Publisher: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE-2006); November 30-December 2, 2006
Series/Report no.: ITFIC003-8
Abstract: With the advent of time, technology has taken a drastic shift towards the area of bioinformatics. Recent collaboration between molecular biology and computation techniques has led to tremendous progress in the development that facilitates the construction of highly paralleled systems for biological analysis. The sizes of biological data records are very huge and hence very effective storage and analytical techniques are inevitable. Basically, the task of database searching can be viewed as the task of comparing biological data. According to the different natures of the biological data, there are two types of comparisons: sequence comparison and structural comparison. In this paper, more emphasis is given on sequence comparison. A variety of methods exist for comparison task and the main emphasis is laid on BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), and compare their relative advantages and disadvantages of them. Also discussed are the various modes of implementation of these methods in practical form.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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