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Title: Stability analysis of a Pendulum based system using Contraction Analysis
Authors: Gandhi, Ravi
Adhyaru, D. M.
Keywords: Contraction Analysis
Virtual Model
Jacobian Matrix
Stability Analysis
Non-linear Pendulum
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2011
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Citation: 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE-2011, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, December 8-10, 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFIC002-12
Abstract: This paper introduces a new method for deriving the virtual linearized model of a given non-linear system on the basis of convergence. Once the virtual model for a given system is obtained, it is very simple to analyze the behavior of given non-linear system. To represent an idea regarding the concept of contraction analysis an example of simple pendulum system has been taken and the virtual linearized model has been derived with the help of the Contraction analysis.
ISBN: 9788192304908
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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