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Title: Real Time Embedded PID Controller with Autotuning using ARM Controller and MODBUS Protocol
Authors: Patel, Alpesh
Mehta, Naimesh
Keywords: PID Controllers
Auto Tuning
ARM Controller
Relay Feedback
MODBUS Protocol
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 13-May-2011
Citation: Research fair 2011, Gujarat Technological University (GTU), May 13 – 14, 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFIC018-3
Abstract: Embedded systems are used in all aspects of modern life and examples of their use are numerous. ARM Controllers are sophisticated multiprocessor design which has RISC type architectures. In the industries there are no of process loops necessitate tuning. The auto tuned PID controllers are designed for application where load change are expected and need control action fast and accurately. The conventional on–off relay oscillation for a single loop feedback controller is extended to the tuning using PID Autotuning toolkit in labview. Modbus communication would be implemented between ARM processor and PC through serial port with help of labview.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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