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Title: Labview Based ‘Nonlintool’ For Analysis and Design Of Nonlinear Control System
Authors: Patel, Hiral
Patel, J. B.
Keywords: Computer Aided Tools (CAT)
Describing Function (DF)
Phase Plane Trajectory (PPT)
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Aug-2015
Publisher: Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Series/Report no.: ITFIC001-14;
Abstract: This paper presents LabVIEW based Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool called as ‘nonlintool’. The tool provides much needed user friendly computational platform for nonlinear control system as there are very few endeavours found on computer aided tool for analysis and design of nonlinear control system. The tool is useful for analysis and design of nonlinear control system. The tool offers user friendly computational platform for the study of nonlinear control system. It has capability to carry the analysis and design for almost all type of discrete (or discontinuous) and continues nonlinearities. It aims to provide quick and effective means for the understanding of behaviour of nonlinear systems. The different modules integrated in the tool to analyse the discrete type nonlinearity with phase plane trajectory and continuous type nonlinearity with linearization. The tool enables the user to investigate the stability of the system and help to proceed for the design of nonlinear control system. The tool is converted in to executable file to make it open source package.
Description: Computer Application in Engineering Education, August, 2015, Page No. 195 - 201
ISSN: 10.1002/cae.21697 (DOI)
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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