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Title: Camera Based EAN-13 Barcode Verification with Hough Transform and Sub-Pixel Edge Detection
Authors: Kapadia, Harsh
Shah, Kinjal A.
Keywords: EAN-13
Hough Transform
Sub-pixel Edge Detection
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 3-Feb-2012
Citation: First National Conference on Algorithms and Intelligent Systems (NCAIS) 2012, February 3 – 4, 2012
Series/Report no.: ITFIC017-2
Abstract: This paper discuss about EAN-13 Barcode verification. The system is meant to verify Barcode on-line. It primarily focuses on two aspects of barcode verification. One is two detect the angle if barcode is skewed in the image and correct the same. The other is to detect the edges of a barcode in real time blurred image using sub-pixel edge detection. The paper also includes MATLAB implementation steps for both this methods with results.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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