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Title: An RF based Centrifuge Calibrator for MEMS Accelerometer Testing
Authors: Zadfiya, Rajesh L.
Swamy, K.B.M.
Sen, Siddhartha
Keywords: MEMS
RF Sensor
Rotating Table
Static Testing
ICECE 2010
IC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 18-Dec-2010
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: 6th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2010, December, 18 – 20, 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Series/Report no.: ITFIC013-1
Abstract: In recent years, MEMS accelerometers are being used on an increasing scale in different spheres of science and technology. Proper testing and calibration of these devices is as vital as that of its design and fabrication. The present paper details with the construction of a centrifuge equipment to be used in static testing of MEMS accelerometers. This is based on a conventional rotating platform generating constant acceleration of very low frequency but using a wireless communication to transceive the test data in a continuous mode. Stage by stage construction of the equipment is detailed and compared with the conventional long arm rotating table type with slip rings and wired data transmission. Finally, a trial testing of the equipment is carried out using a commercially available accelerometer with known specifications and the experimental data is compared with the theory. Criticality of possible error sources are also briefly discussed in the end.
ISSN: 978-1-4244-6279-7/10
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, E&I

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