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Title: Sustainable consumption and plastic packaging: Relationships among product involvement, perceived marketplace influence and choice behavior
Authors: Kautish, Pradeep
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper, Management
Management, Faculty Paper
Human values
Product involvement
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2022
Abstract: This study examines the relationships among human value connotations (instrumental and terminal), product involvement, perceived marketplace influence, and choice behavior in the context of sustainable consumption. Data was collected from 612 urban Indian residents who regularly consume sustainable products, e.g., non-plastic packaging bags. The study operationalizes the partial least square structural equation modeling method in consort with the covariance-based structural equation modeling. The research demonstrates the direct impact of instrumental and terminal values on product involvement and the direct influence of product involvement on perceived marketplace influence towards plastic packaging-related choice behavior. It is pertinent to focus on both instrumental and terminal connotations of human values to augment product involvement for plastic packaging. Limited studies have examined the possible relationships between two distinct yet interconnected connotations of human values on product involvement and perceived marketplace influence in the context of sustainable consumption related to plastic packaging.
Description: Vol. 67, 2022, p 1-14
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, IM

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