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dc.contributor.authorPrajapati, Aayushi-
dc.contributor.authorMaity, Abantika-
dc.contributor.authorDalal, Dev-
dc.contributor.authorGandhi, Devanshi-
dc.contributor.authorShah, Dishay-
dc.description.abstractThis study intends to investigate how well-informed and aware a broad population is about hair care products. Around 400 participants from various ages, genders, and cultural origins responded to the online poll, which was conducted. The poll included inquiries about the types of hair care products used, their frequency of usage, and respondents' familiarity with their ingredients. The survey's findings showed that the majority of respondents said their main hair care items were hair oil, hair color/dye, shampoo, conditioner, and hair serum, but conditioner and serum were comparatively used less. The poll also revealed that the majority of respondents used hair care products on a daily or weekly basis. When it comes to product satisfaction, the majority of respondents reported being satisfied with their hair care products. The poll also found that many respondents did not know what substances were in the hair care products they used. This lack of awareness about the ingredients in hair care products was evident among participants. If we conclude the survey product wise then for Hair Oil all in all 72 participants were there in survey and out of them most of the people use coconut oil and almond oil as their first preference to promote hair growth and hair strengthening, and most commonly used brands are Parachute, Dabur, and Indulekha. Then for Hair Color/Dye overall 80 participants opted for the survey and it has been found that major reasons for hair coloring/dying is to cover grey or white hair or to look more fashionable. And also for safety purpose people want more of herbal/organic products. For Hair shampoo, 35 participants participated and it has been found that most of the people want to use shampoo for cleansing purpose and to deal with scalp related problems and for that people are also willing to pay more. For Hair Conditioner, 70 participants were there and it has been observed that most of the individuals use rinse out conditioners and use same product year around. And finally for Hair Serum, 100 participants were there and it has been found that people claim that using a hair serum has enhanced the texture and look of the hair. The survey's findings are summarized by pointing out how crucial product effectiveness, scent, and texture are in determining consumer satisfaction levels. Additionally, it implies that the sector for hair care is likely to keep up with the trend towards natural and organic materials as most people use natural cosmetics for safety purposes.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'baden_US
dc.subjectB. Pharm Project Reporten_US
dc.titleSurvey and Views on Awareness and Knowledge of Hair Care Productsen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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