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Title: Survey on Hair Color Products
Authors: Golaviya, Anuj
Oza, Dhyanesh
Sakaria, Kashish
Gandhi, Praxal
Patel, Ved
Keywords: B. Pharm Project Report
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR01093;
Abstract: This marketing study tries to learn more about consumer preferences and behavior when it comes to hair dyes. A variety of subjects, including purchasing behavior, frequency of use, brand loyalty, product features, and consumer satisfaction, will be covered in the survey. In order to pinpoint the most important trends and business possibilities in the hair dye market, survey data will be analyzed. In order to better satisfy the wants and preferences of their target customers, businesses can use this information to develop and improve their products. For the improvement of the product and customer needs, different aspects such as gender, age, desired type of hair color, allergens present (if any linked with the user) and many more are taken into the consideration in this survey. Furthermore, a thorough literature review is provided that considers the chemical composition, trends and brands, side effects, safety etc. are also specified thoroughly. In the end, the survey results will offer insightful information on the market dynamics for hair dye and support the creation of efficient marketing plans.
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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