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Title: Method Development And Validation of Bioactives of Swietenia Macrophylla King
Authors: Modi, Jeel H
Keywords: Dissertation Report
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PDR00771;
Abstract: Swietenia macrophylla belonging to family Meliaceae is a significant versatile tree having bunch of therapeutic values. S.macrophylla is also known as the Miracle Tree because many of its components are useful. Roots contain many phenolics, flavonoids, Saponin Glycosides, and triterpenoids. Roots are widely used in many market formulations but very few analytical techniques have been reported for characterization of bio actives in crude extract which can be used for analysis of formulation also. Determination of various bio actives in S.macrophylla was done by developing a simple and precise HPTLC method. In which Rutin, Quercetin and Gallic acid, Catechin, Limonin were determined simultaneously and its analysis was done by using silica gel 60F254 TLC plates. Scanning of plates was done using CAMAG TLC scanner 3 using UV densiometrically at wavelength of 254nm. After preliminary screening using mobile system with varied proportion of polar and nonpolar solvents, toluene, ethyl acetate, methanol, and formic acid in the ratio of 7:6:1:2 was finalized to be used as a mobile phase. Different Rf values observed at 0.64 for Quercetin, 0.06 for Rutin, 0.49 for Gallic acid and 0.44 for Catechin, 0.61 for Limonin. Develop and Validated analytical methods of Different extracts of roots and seed of S.macrophylla for screening of different phytoconstituents with optimized mobile phase.
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Pharmaceutical Analysis

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