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Title: Vehicle Route Mapping with Video Analytics
Authors: Jain, Niyati
Keywords: Computer 2021
Project Report 2021
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2023
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 21MCED05;
Abstract: Nowadays the amount of vehicles on the roads is increasing so as the requirement for a good traffic monitoring system. There are some systems like license plat scanning, vehicle counting for traffic flow analysis, etc. But they have some limitations like the license plate is not scan properly or capture an angle where the license plate is not visible the identify the vehicle is very difficult. So we proposed a system that identifies a vehicle using CCTV(Closed Circuit Television) camera coordination. The object detection algorithm is used to identify the vehicle and then extract its characteristics. Using HSV(Hue-Saturation-Value) color space and fixed ROI(Region of Interest), the Color of the object and speed of the vehicle is identified. At the images of vehicle from different camera angle is taken and try to match the features of both the images results in the conclusion whether they are similar or not.A lot of new technologies are emerging for a lot of new better solutions to the existing traffic difficulties, which is an important topic like traffic management. The first duty is to thoroughly study algorithms and examine the work that has been done. In addition, we will use several algorithms to video log data in order to extract the necessary data for additional traffic management. Systems used today for traffic monitoring and driver assistance both significantly rely on video analytic. In this regard, a lot of work has been done in recent years to accurately detect and classify nearby autos using video analysis. The development of reliable and precise vehicle detection from video taken by a moving vehicle presents a substantial problem for a variety of applications, including systems that provide assistance with driving and self-guided cars. Technique for SIFT feature extraction from video sequences. The extraction of features and feature optimization are crucial measures for any type of detection and classification. Therefore, SIFT feature extraction technique is used in the proposed work in the appropriate segmented for background removal in video sense. Also we have discussed the aspects of finding optimal distance between the points and parking the vehicle with the approximation.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (DS)

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