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Title: Safe Route Explorer with IOT and Cloud Computing
Authors: Shah, Het
Keywords: Computer 2021
Project Report 2021
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2023
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 21MCED13;
Abstract: In this century, development is happening at a very high pace. As a result of this development, several issues have occurred, and one of those issues is waterlogging on roads during rainy seasons. The main reason behind this is a lack of planning for development. There are many places where lakes have been shrunk for developing buildings and tech parks, resulting in heavy waterlogging these days. Consequently, waterlogging has led to many accidents, increased traffic, agricultural challenges, infrastructure damage, and environmental degradation. This paper proposes a method by which we can predict waterlogging. To predict waterlogging, a sensor should be deployed on a lamp pole. The sensor will measure the depth of water on roads and send the data to the cloud, where data processing occurs. The processed data will provide the user with the location where waterlogging is high and suggest a new route that is safe and easy to navigate.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (DS)

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