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Title: Secured Communication for Autonomous Vehicles using Blockchain
Authors: Patel, Shivamkumar Prakashbhai
Keywords: Computer 2021
Project Report 2021
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2023
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 21MCED17;
Abstract: The autonomous car has entered the field of intelligent transportation as a result of improvements in safety, traffic efficiency, fuel efficiency, and trip time reduction. The autonomous car has evolved into a branch of intelligent transportation because to improvements in safety, traffic efficiency, fuel efficiency, and shortened trip times. Most modern connected and autonomous cars (CAVs) send a sizable quantity of driving data acquired from several vehicles to a centralised server for standardised training. First, blockchain has a decentralised architecture that resembles a car. Second, it uses few resources because the entire system can be run on a single blockchain server. Third, because it is decentralised and resources are distributed across the vehicle communication environment, it can secure moving data. Fourth, because the data is stored on a distributed, not centralised, blockchain server, it can manage massive amounts of data simultaneously. Fifth, because of peer-to-peer real-time connectivity and the fact that all data is kept on a distributed blockchain server, it has access to vehicle history. Sixth, because each node has its own database and the network as a whole is distributed, real-time data sharing between nodes is possible. Intelligent transport systems are another name for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). To increase traffic flow efficiency and improve road safety, VANET delivers rapid and accurate communications between vehicles and infrastructure (V2V and V2I). With the use of blockchain, it secures the communications between the vehicles. The proposed mechanism uses the smart contract, machine learning algorithm, sumo simulator, omnetpp and metamask. By using, all these platforms, we have made the blockchain based autonomous vehicles. For simulation Autonomous Vehicles, Sumo, Omnetpp and Veins are used. Also, blockchain smart contract is used which is in solidity language and can be compiled and deployed in Remix Ethereum platform.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (DS)

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