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Title: Synthesis Of Carbon Nanomaterials And Effects Of Post-Treatment On Removal Of Heavy Metals From Water
Authors: Ruparelia, Jayesh P.
Chatterjee, Arup Kumar
Duttagupta, Siddhartha P.
Mukherji, Suparna
Keywords: Carbon Nanomaterials
Nanoporous Carbon
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE-2007); Nov.29-Dec.1, 2007
Abstract: Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) can be synthesized and used for various applications. In this study, two CNMs of different surface morphology were synthesized using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) by altering the process parameters. Different post-treatments were given to CNMs for removal of the catalyst. The effect of post-treatment on CNMs was observed by monitoring the carbon content and the contact angle. The treatment time of CNMs was optimized based on sorption potential of selected heavy metals. Treatment of CNMs resulted in removal of amorphous carbon and change in hydrophobicity of the samples. In addition to surface morphology of the CNMs, post-treatment processes also played an important role in affecting the heavy metal sorption characteristics.
Description: NUCONE-2007; Page No.378-381
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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