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Title: Performance Measurement of SDN Based Fog Enabled IoT Framework for Healthcare Applications
Authors: Bansal, Lamha
Keywords: Computer 2021
Project Report 2021
Computer Project Report
Project Report
INS 2021
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2023
Series/Report no.: 21MCEI14;
Abstract: We know that during Covid Times we were under “Lockdown” but the situation was worse than ever in the healthcare domain, people wanted to see a doctor but they couldn’t so in such times it became very inevitable for Doctors to connect with their patients through some other medium, to overcome this issue many Doctors starting consulting their patients over internet. Now it’s okay to consult normal patients over some other medium, but the patients who are already in a very critical situation. It becomes very difficult to provide proper guidance to them. There are many factors responsible while treating a critical situation. So here I have taken one such issue, which is Patients with heart related issues need to have proper guidance. Now in order to connect such patients with doctors it has become very important. So to overcome this issue I have tried to make a system which would help the doctors to connect with their patients easily and also focused on the most important issue which is “Latency”. System is built in such a way that using AD8232 sensor, the ECG Sensor from a patient transmitted over AI thinker Node MCU ESP32, later stored that sensor result on the cloud. On the other Hand even tried to train the model using a CSV file already provided on kaggle. I have used AWS services to upload the ML algorithm on the cloud. Services used are SageMaker for the functioning of ML Algo. S3 bucket to store the CSV file and Ec2 instance to create a virtual machine.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (INS)

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