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Title: Durability Properties of Concrete Column Strengthened with SSWM and GFRP Hybrid Wrapping
Authors: Jitarwal, Anil Kumar
Keywords: Civil 2021
Project Report 2021
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2021
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2023
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 21MCLC02;
Abstract: Concrete structures that are affected by degradation, overloading, Fire, thawing and freezing cycles, corrosion of reinforced bars, and abrasive damage. Each of those stated effects proceeds to decrease the load-carrying capacity of the structure and its members. The damaged structure members prove fulfilling the limit state’s serviceability and ultimate limit states. As a result, the structure needs to be strengthened to increase its service life and load-carrying capacity. To survive unfavorable critical loading and aggressive environmental conditions, the competition in the civil engineering markets typically imposes low-cost, low-density, and environmentally resistant materials with the least maintenance and extended service life features. As a result, using advanced composite materials as reinforcing for a variety of structures has been developed in recent decades through new construction and rehabilitation applications. Due to their significant strengthening capabilities for a variety of structural applications, “fiber-reinforced polymers” have become the main focus of many researchers in recent years. FRP has been effectively used to strengthen buildings, tanks, tunnels, and subsurface infrastructures in terms of better mechanical and durability demonstrate, easy-to-use and lightweight material. Different type of fiber-reinforced polymers is used for strengthening i.e.- carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRP), glass fiber-reinforced polymers (GFRP), basalt fiber-reinforced polymers (BFRP), aramid fiber-reinforced polymers (AFRP). The objective of this study is to find out the durability Properties of Concrete Column Strengthened with SSWM and GFRP Hybrid Wrapping. To assess the durability properties, the main focus of this experiment is corrosion and heat resistance. To find out the heat resistance properties of Hybrid SSWM and GFRP. A total of 126 cylinder specimens are prepared. The size of concrete cylinders is 100mm in diameter and 200 mm in height. A Total of 18 cylinders are designated as a control specimen and 108 cylinders are strengthened using SSWM and GFRP wrapping with 6 different wrapping configurations. All cylinders are wrapped after 28 days of strength. Sikadur 30LP is used as the adhesive material and is formulated by mixing hardener and resin in the proportion of 1:3. All these specimens are preserved for 7 days after being wrapped. By placing specimens in muffle Furness for two hours at temperatures of 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, and 500 °C, the thermal stability of hybrid SSWM and GFRP was assessed. Numerous fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are used to repair several reinforced concrete (RC) structures that have been harmed by the corrosion of steel reinforcements. To find out the corrosion resistance properties of Hybrid SSWM GFRP. A total of 21 cylinder specimens are prepared. The size of concrete cylinders is 100mm in diameter and 200 mm in height with embedded 8 mm steel bars. After 28 days strength of the cylinder anodic current is continuously passed through the reinforcement and the cathodic current is continuously passed through the rolled stainless steel (SS) mesh during a 24-day cycle while the specimens are submerged in a solution of 5 % Na Cl.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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