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Title: Advanced control of power plant coal-pulverizer
Authors: Dadiala, Vini
Keywords: Theses
EI Theses
Theses EI
Theses IT
Dr. Jayesh Barve
Dr. J. B. Patel
Issue Date: Oct-2021
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14EXTPHDE123;TT000129
Abstract: Thermal power plants are one of the main sources of electricity globally and in India. Coal, traditionally having been the world's most abundant and widely distributed fossil fuel source, it has been since long time playing a key role in worldwide power generation. In India, coal-based thermal power plants produce about half of the total electricity today. Although this share has been rapidly coming down due to fast penetration of renewables, coal-plants will still remain a significant share of total power generation, at least in coming few decades.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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