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dc.contributor.authorChokshi, Anushka A.-
dc.descriptionGuided by Sweta Ramanien_US
dc.description.abstractThe biodiversity of our surroundings is conƟ nuing to deteriorate in many high-density areas throughout the globe as a consequence of the conversion of nature into a devel oped environment. A reducƟ on in benefi cial ecosystem services may result in a variety of health issues and increased stress levels as a result of limited contact with nature. Environmental biodiversity is a broad expression of the natural environment in which humans live. Environmental biodiversity provides a variety of ecosystem services, in cluding health benefi ts; however, biodiversity in urban areas is decreasing as natural areas are converted to urban infrastructure (Larcombe et al., 2018). People may re quire as much meaningful contact with nature as they do interpersonal relaƟ onships. There has been a renewed focus in recent years on using the creaƟ ve potenƟ al of environmental design to beƩ er people’s health and happiness. It is widely recognized at the housing level that there is a need to reestablish the connecƟ on between peo ple and nature. They improve residents’ public health by encouraging physical acƟ vity and psychological well-being, parƟ cularly by protecƟ ng people’s health from negaƟ ve effects. The incorporaƟ on of verƟ cal public realm, landscaping, and community facil iƟ es brings it closer to the occupants. They contribute to increased community co hesion in densely populated ciƟ es (Li et al., 2022). In ciƟ es that are becoming more and more dense, a green urban environment is seen as an important anƟ dote to the negaƟ ve effects of urban density. More specifi cally, greenery has been found to posi- Ɵ vely infl uence mental health. The presence of plants in a high rise residenƟ al build ing part of the urban fabric can help improve cogniƟ ve performance of the residents.Increased greenery in housing is associated with increased public safety, improved psychological well-being and reduced crime rates. It also enhances the sense of com munity amongst neigh- bours by providing space for escape from built up areas. Aes theƟ cally planning green spaces is proven to be of importance as there are specifi c certain elements that aƩ ract people to a landscape. This research paper talks about the infl uence landscape holds on people and on the interpersonal relaƟ onships with the surrounding people. It also talks about the various ways and elements through which we can incorporate land- scape into the built form. In recent Ɵ mes there has been an emerging addiƟ on of green spaces in residenƟ al buildings. Due to shortage of land the housing tends to go verƟ cal losing the touch with nature, visually and physically. As our ciƟ es grow and more people move into crowded areas, we need to transform the living spaces into a healthy environment. Hence, having nature as our neighbour on a daily basis. There are several ways of in corporaƟ ng green spaces in a residenƟ al building - green terraces, green roofs, green walls, etc. This produces a suitable habitat for individuals in the modern built envi ronment. Green iniƟ aƟ ves lead to the development of biological and cultural aspects of the residents. Nature, as known, has a soothing effect on people and therefore impacts the people mentally and physically. Therefore, nature is considered an im portant binding factor between spaces and people.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.subjectThesis 2023en_US
dc.subjectCommunity Livingen_US
dc.subjectLandscape Gardensen_US
dc.subjectHome Gardensen_US
dc.subjectSocial Interactionen_US
dc.subjectHigh Riseen_US
dc.subjectLow Riseen_US
dc.titleImpact of Landscape on Residents Living in Housing Societies Case of High Rise, Low Rise and Bunglows in Ahmedabaden_US
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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