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dc.contributor.authorRajkumar, Shalini-
dc.contributor.authorKhan, Mohammad Yaseen-
dc.contributor.authorAliabbas, Saleh-
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Vimal-
dc.descriptionIndian Journal of Biotechnology, 8() January, 2009; Page No.9 - 22en
dc.description.abstractMedicinal plants are the most important source of l ife saving drugs for the majority of the world’s population. Plant secondary metabolites are economically important as drugs, fragrances, pigments, food additives and pesticides. The biotechnological tools are important to select, multiply, improve and analyze medicinal plants. In-vitro production of secondary metabolites in Plant cell suspension cultures has been reported rom various medicinal plants and bioreactors arethe key step towards commercial production of econdary metabolites by plant biotechnology. enetic transformation is apowerful tool for nhancing the productivity of novel secondary etabolites; especially byAgrobacterium tumefacians.Combinatorial biosynthesis is another pproach in the generation of novel natural roducts and for theproduction of rareand xpensive atural products. DNA profiling techniques like NA icroarrays serve as suitable high throughput ools orthe simultaneous analysis of multiple genes and nalysis of gene expression that becomes necessary orproviding cluesabout regulatory mechanism, iochemical pathways and broader cellular unctions.For Abstract kindly view/open the pdf ile.en
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paper,Scienceen
dc.subjectScience, faculty Paperen
dc.subjectMedicinal Plantsen
dc.subjectCombinatorial Biosynthesisen
dc.subjectDNA Microarrayen
dc.subjectTransgenic Plantsen
dc.titleRecent advances in Medicinal Plant Biotechnologyen
dc.typeFaculty Paperen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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