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Title: Physico-Chemical & Microbial Studies on Varieties of Asafoetida & Defining Process Flow for Commercial Production
Authors: Patel, Himisha
Keywords: Asafoetida
Antimicrobial Activity
Physico – Chemical
Organoleptic and Microbiological Properties
Alcohol Soluble Extract
Commercial Production
Project Report 2023
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: SDR00461
Abstract: Ferula Asafoetida is AKA Hing, Devil's drug, stinking gum, food of good is vital spices belong from umbelliferon family. From the ferula plant, oleo – resin or gum of asafetida has been ejected through the root. Asafoetida brings the Sharpe, powerful, nauseating, and sulfurous aroma. Asafetida is vernacular to Afghanistan and Iran. Asafetida is non vernacular of India. Hence India imports the asafetida from the Afghanistan and Iran. It is widely cultivated in the unproductive cold and dry desert. Asafetida is widely used in flavoring dal, curries, pickles, sauces, meat, etc. Generally, asafetida is available in the powder form, compound form, granule form, oil form, oleo-resin form, and sphere (goli) form. The major chemical constituent of asafetida is resin (40-60%), endogenous gum (25%), and essential oils (10-17%). Asafetida consists of phytochemicals including carbohydrates, fiber, iron, potassium, calcium, volatile oil. Gum and phytochemical of asafetida is widely used in ayurvedic as well as in unani therapeutic practices. Asafetida is beneficial to cure respiratory disorder, digestion problem, cardio - vascular health, maintain blood pressure, women aliments, etc. Asafetida shows the antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, antitumor, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, antispasmodic properties. Asafetida is mostly propagated by seed sown either in spring or winter. Asafetida is mature after the five years of planting, and it became ready to harvest and yield of individual plant is 900g.
Description: Guided by Dr. Heena Dave
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BT

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