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Title: Design of special purpose grinding machine structure for Back-Gouging of T-Joint Weld Groove for Full Penetration Welding
Authors: Ayush Prajapati, Ayush
Keywords: Mechanical 2022
Project Report
Project Report 2022
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2022
Grinding Wheel
Linear and Rotary mechanism
Servo motor
lead screw
finite element analysis
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2024
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 22MMCC10;
Abstract: Present work is focused on the design and analysis of automatic grinding machine for back-gouging of T-joint weld groove for full penetration weld. As a part of this work, various critical component namely, column, lead screw, bearing, and grinding machine frame are designed. The selection of materials for critical parts is based on specific requirements. The primary objective of this project is to develop an automatic mechanism of grinding machine that capable of back-gouging of T-joint weld groove without penetrate into plate. During the design process, the working envelope of the mechanism and the available shop floor space are also taken into consideration. In conclusion, this project “Design of SPM for back-gouging of T-joint weld groove for full penetration welding” has designed in such a way the individual component can withstand as per loading condition and can perform the entire operation with ease. There is requirement for weld edge preparation, Surface finish for some NDT test and for back gouging or chip back of welding. Present work contains design of Grinding head and design of column boom for that grinding head. Whole arrangement is column beam type arrangement with several motions, so that all grinding point can be achieved by grinding head. The structural parts are designed as per requirements and analysis is carried out in software ANSYS. Finite element Method or Finite Element Analysis is an approximation technique used for the analysis of complex objects and geometries. Maximum Stress and Displacement is under the range of loading condition. Modal analysis result shows the maximum and minimum displacement occurs at the end of the bearing was 0.012 m and 0.004 m respectively, at 0 Hz and 2.82*10^-3 Hz frequency.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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