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Title: Induction of Lung and Colon cancer in Swiss Albino Mice Using Chemical Carcinogen Benzo(a)pyrene for Lung Cancer and 1.2 Dimethylhydrazine For Colon Cancer
Authors: Desai, Parishi
Prajapati, Prachi
Simariya, Devanshi
Trivedi, Tulsi
Joshi, Vismay
Keywords: Biotechnology
Project Report 2023
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;SDR00473
Abstract: Cancer is a multifactorial disease resulting from epigenetic and germline mutations which in turn results from exposure to various environmental factors acting as potent carcinogens. Cancer is a research hotspot as it is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity around the world. The highest documented cancer for mortality was lung cancer as of 2020, followed by colon cancer. There has been various advances in cancer research in the past decade. The use of in-vivo as well as in-vitro models has been in extensive use. The use of such models provides an advantage of getting insights into the molecular aspects of cancer. These models mimic the features of human cancer with increased homology. Animal model is preferred over cell culture as it has a limited source of cells after some passage numbers. Also, the animal models mimic the biological process of carcinogenesis that occurs in humans. Cell culture models are provided an artificial environment which can sometimes also lead to telomerase activation and several other changes. Our aim is to induce cancer in animal model that can recapitulate human tumor homology which can be further utilized for therapeutic efficacy to regress the cancer. In our study chemical carcinogen induced mice model (Benzo (a)pyrene and 1,2 dimethylhydrazine respectively for lung cancer and colon cancer) were selected based on its high homology to human genome, small size, low maintenance, convenient feeding etc. Animals in both the models were divided into two groups.i.e. Control & carcinogen group. Animals in control and carcinogen group in both the models received vehicle control & carcinogen according to their body weight. Further, tumor documentation was done using various methods such as, H&E Staining, C.T. Scan and liquid biopsy. According to CT scan data no tumors were detected. However, H&E staining data shows damaging tissue architecture as compared to normal tissue architecture.
Description: Guided by Dr. Sonal R. Bakshi
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BT

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