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Title: Bluetooth Profiles Validation and Quality Assurance
Authors: Kaur, Amandeep
Keywords: EC 2022
Project Report
Project Report 2022
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2022
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2024
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 22MECE02;
Abstract: Bluetooth technology has become a ubiquitous communication standard, facilitating wireless connectivity between many devices. Explores the diverse facets of Blue_ tooth, emphasizing its integral role in modem communication systems. Bluetooth, operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band, employing robust features such as frequency hopping, short-range communication, and low power consumption. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Bluetooth stack, encompassing layers like the Physi cal Layer, Link Layer, and L2CAP to the practical applications ofBluetooth profiles, such as hands-free communication. Additionally, essential protocols like RF Comm and Service Discovery Protocol are highlighted in enabling diverse functionalities. The abstract concludes with insights into the testing and quality assurance methodologies in various applications, from wireless audio streaming to data transfer with continuous advancements, demonstrating the significance of loading hardware plat:Jforms, firmware, and drivers for effective Bluetooth communication. Overall, this abstract encapsulates the dynamic landscape of Bluetooth technology, showcasing its versatility and pervasive impact on modern communication systems. Additionally, the utilization of Ellisys analyzer for taking OTA logs, btmon, Bluetooth daemon logs, logcat, and btsnoop logs enables a meticulous analysis of issues - Observed in the Bluetooth application layer, offering a layered perspective for comprehensive probnlem resolution. In the ever-evolving landscape of wireless communication, Bluetooth remains a cornerstone technology, continuously advancing to meet the demands of modem connectivity.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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