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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Helina-
dc.description.abstractNetwork technologies are traditionally based on wire line solutions. But the introduction of the IEEE 802.11 standards have made a huge impact on the market such that laptops, PCs, printers, cellphones, and VoIP phones, MP3 players in our homes, in offices and even in public areas have incorporated the wireless LAN technology. Wireless broadband technologies nowadays provide unlimited broadband access to users which were previously offered only to wire line users. In this , we review and summarize one of the emerging wireless broadband technology i.e. IEEE 802.11,which is a set of physical layer standard for implementing wireless local area network computer communication in the 2.4,3.6,5 and 60GHz frequency band. They fix technology issues or add functionality which is expected to be required by future applications. Though some of the earlier versions of these technologies are obsolete now but still we have included them in this review for the sake of completeness.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectEC 2022en_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2022en_US
dc.subjectEC Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectEC (ES)en_US
dc.subjectEmbedded Systemsen_US
dc.subjectEmbedded Systems 2022en_US
dc.titleWi-Fi Pre-Certificationen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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