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Title: Optimization of Microwave Assisted Extraction of Annona Squamosa Seeds
Authors: Kothari, Vijay
Punjabi, Amruta
Gupta, Shivani
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper,Science
Science, faculty Paper
Extraction Efficiency
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: This paper focuses on the optimization of various parameters for microwave assisted extraction of Annona squamosa seeds. Two parameters namely, sample to solvent ratio and the total extraction time were optimized. Extraction efficiency was found to be affected significantly by both these parameters. A decrease in the extraction efficiency was noted if the total extraction time was extended beyond a certain limit. Non-polar solvents proved better than the polar ones with respect to extraction efficiency.For abstract kindly view/open the pdf file.
Description: The ICFAI University Journal of Life Sciences, 3 (1) February, 2009; Page No.55-60
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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