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Title: Experimental and Analytical Study of Steel Connection
Authors: Chauhan, Brijesh M
Keywords: Civil 2022
Project Report
Project Report 2022
Civil Project Report 2022
CASAD 2022
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2024
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 22MCLC02;
Abstract: When analyzing and designing steel frame structures, all connections are considered to be either rigid or simple. Every realistic beam-to-column connection, regardless of its rigidity, possesses a certain degree of rotational stiffness. Therefore, SR modelling of links is more precise. The process of designing and analyzing framed constructions is greatly simplified by assuming that the connections are rigid or securely anchored. The primary factors that influence the M-θ qualities of a connection are its strength, rotational capacity, and stiffness. The current study examines the classification approach for connections based on different codes. The study conducted a comparison of the behavior shown by the eight types of connections specified in IS 800:2007. To evaluate the influence of FEP on the FEP connection in a steel connection under monotonica and cyclic loads, a three-dimensional Finite Element Model (FEM) is created using ABAQUS. for cyclic loading two individual model analysis one is with fuse and other is without fuse The proposed model integrates the interplay between adjacent surfaces, as well as the presence of both material and geometric non-linearities. In order to implement cyclic loading, it is necessary to develop an appropriate loading protocol. The In this work, experiments on monotonic beam-column flush end plate connections under monotonic loading were conducted. The beam-column flush end plate connection is a plus-type connection (one column at the center with beams connected to both sides of the column flange). The load and displacement were measured during the experiment. Additionally, in this research, experiments on beam-column flush end plate connections under cyclic loading were performed. A loading protocol was developed based on FEMA guidelines, and FEMA criteria were considered and applied in the experiment. For this experiment, a T-type (cantilever) connection with one horizontal column and one beam was tested under cyclic loading. The results for displacement and load were obtained, and a hysteresis curve for this connection was plotted. This experiment is conducted with and without a fuse (fuse is used for dissipating sismic energy). By applying the fuse, one can measure how much the load and displacement could be.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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