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Title: Appraising Juhani Pallasmas Phenomenology of Architecture through Multi-sensory Approach in Indian context
Authors: Chandak, Sakshi
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2021
B. Arch
Built Environment
Visual Bias
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00122
Abstract: Architecture aims to accommodate, secure, and characterize the environment in which human activities are held. It is far more than plainly functional and its enormous effect on the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of its users should not be ignored. Although, architecture is often analysed as a series of impassive pictures. The artistry of our gestures, projection of different lenses of vision and experience, evoking unique perspectives of perception and sense are all examples of how architecture has a profound mental effect beyond the visual. Architecture is usually outlined by the multi-sensorial qualities of various spatial elements and spaces that make up its boundary. The purpose of this research is to determine the status of phenomenology and aspects of multi sensory architecture that can be inculcated in the design to provide the user with a perceptual experience. The research focuses on Juhani Pallasma’s approach towards architectural phenomenology and the multi-sensory dimension of the built space. Furthermore, the research draws upon case studies of architectural practices of Ar. Shirish Beri and Ar. Sanjay Mohe wherein the sensory knowledge in design is followed. The dissertation is divided into 4 parts of purpose, question, inquiry, and conclusion. The first part deals with the dominance of vision and aesthetics in the domain of architecture and design and why there is a need for reintegration. The second part talks about the questions of phenomenology and concentrates on the theoretical understanding of Juhani Pallasmaa in linking architecture and phenomenology. The next part focuses on the multi-sensory aspect of phenomenology and the integration of architecture and individual human senses. This last part of the dissertation discusses the various factors of multisensory architecture in providing whole body experiences which were examined in the selected case studies in the Southern Indian subcontinent, wherein the analysis is drawn from the data collection carried out through interviews with architects, a review of literature and surveys of the users. The study concludes with establishing a relationship between human senses and architecture and identifying a set of design recommendations and factors that can be used to provide a sensual experience in a built environment.
Description: Guided by: Prof. Vibha Gajjar
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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