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Title: A Search of Organic Expression in Architecture through Works of Frank Lioyd Wright
Authors: Panchal, Swati
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2020
B. Arch
Organic architecture
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00089
Abstract: The theoretical issue of the thesis is to investigate organic expressions in architecture over time. Particularly, Frank Lloyd Wright whose works are the major focus for the study; it also includes other architects who initiated and carried forth its principles. Since organic principles have emerged and developed over time through the entire cycle of creation, studies have elucidated the organic principles from their time of origin to their evolution to their present scenario. The study therefore attempts to re-read the early example of organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in order to uncover the aspects that make his organic architecture practical even in present times. Findings of ideas and aspects shared with the early organic concepts of the present scenario which can further link to future organic architecture, will be the direction sought for the conclusion of this study. The readings of Emerson and Bruno Zevi would be worth referencing due to their acclaimed publications on organic architecture and the dictionary definitions would also be taken into consideration. A myriad of references from books like “Towards an organic architecture”, “A Testament” and the journals like “Sullivan and Wright: Duality of Difference”, “Form Follows Nature: The Origins of American Organic Architecture”, and many other relevant papers would also be sourced to develop the study better with logical reasonings and conclusion. The result of the thesis would be an attempt to develop an understanding of architecture for one, based on an organic nature.
Description: Guided by Prof. Dhaval Chauhan
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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