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Title: Architectural Configuration of Darkness in Hindu Temples
Authors: Rathore, Kashish
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2020
B. Arch
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00095
Abstract: Architecture reminds of things, evokes senses, creates movement, and experiences space. One of the primary experience of human is changed from light to darkness and architecture records this again and again. This bring us to the question-How does the darkness affects the experience of the space? Here Architecture reaching far beyond the external reality i.e. beyond the physical organization of space through experiences. Darkness had its own value for the mythic mind ,bringing to space an aura of , mystery ,and brooding atmosphere to induce contemplation, as well as providing the matrix which prepares for reviving light ,in the same way the night prepares for dawn, and the womb for birth (Plummer,1993)According to Plummer space encountering qualities of darkness can arise various experiences in one’s mind. Darkness also prepares conditions for reviving light. Architecture controls the play and enigma of spatial experiences, carefully controlling it, having the potential to arouse a number of emotions in us. The study will have detailed understanding about the Architecture of temple complex its spatial composition, designed movement within it and Construct of darkness. This Research proposal intends to understand about human experience in South Indian Temple Architecture, the criteria for selection of these culture was of course, the role of Darkness in the architecture. In their philosophies darkness has been an vital consideration and buildings has been shaped with the conscious use of darkness as an part of spatial experience. Architectural configuration and spatial composition of buildings can be attributed to the philosophy of that culture, Therefore it was felt imperative to understand this along with darkness in this study
Description: Guided by: Prof.Sneha Ramani
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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