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Title: A Sustainable Built Environment by Mitigating Carbon Footprint: Perceiving the Built Environment through Lessons from Low Carbon Buildings
Authors: Thakkar, Vidhi
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2020
B. Arch
Carbon Footprint
Embodied Energy
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00103
Abstract: Today, low carbon architecture that is outlined according to sustainable strategies has become an imperative element in the course of attaining a sustainable built environment - society - and economy. This research focuses on the environmental impact of carbon footprint in the building industry, through several stages such as mining, transportation, and implementation of building products, along with the operational energy of buildings that impact the carbon footprint of the building sector. The assessment of impacts to achieve a carbon-neutral environment through case-specific analysis will be carried out, wherein the surplus carbon can promote societal benefits along with fulfilling the agenda of fighting against global warming, through the process of carbon neutralization.
Description: Guided by:Prof. Purvi Jadav
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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