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dc.contributor.authorParikh, Shantanu-
dc.descriptionGuided by: Prof. Jitendra Menghanien_US
dc.description.abstractWeathering has its notion lying in the form of extensions on top of roofs or the deteriorated state of buildings. It is subtraction of surface or addition of layer because of natural forces which act upon materials. (Mostafavi, Leatherbarrow, 1993) The surface materials are essentially the witness and a showcase of time. An architect spends countless amount of time detailing the joints and finishes, how they would look once the composition of materials and elements completes. Architects such as Peter Zumthor have emphasized the use of atmospheres in their design strategies. But as Pallasmaa states atmosphere depends on even how efficient is a place able to take on the signs of life over time. This thesis aims at studying the role of weathering of materials in generating the visual appearance of a building and its role in creating atmospheres. The first chapter briefly describes the overall idea of weathering and finds links to investigate within the topic. Further second chapter explores the idea of weathering through literature study. Third chapter is about understanding the frameworks of atmosphere design through the works of notable architects and scholars who have written on the topic. Fourth chapter is the selection of method of analysis borrowed from the scholars. Fifth chapter contains the case study and analysis where parameters of analysing atmosphere have been reasoned with in the weathering. In terms of study of buildings, brick and concrete projects from late modern period have been selected.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.subjectThesis 2021en_US
dc.subjectB. Archen_US
dc.titleAnalysing Weathering in Terms of Visual Appearance and its Effect on Atmosphere of a Place- a Case of Sanskar Kendra and Mahatma Gandhi Labour Instituteen_US
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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