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dc.contributor.authorShah, Anushka-
dc.descriptionGuided by: Dr. Aparnaen_US
dc.description.abstractToday we find ourselves at a critical crossroads as with our technological achievements we also enter a future of crisis of climate change, alarming growth of population, loss of biodiversity and rapid urbanization. for designers and architects should be how we are treating our environment and what impact is our building causing to our environment, what are the steps we need to take to change the way of thinking, designing and building? Although hi-tech solutions have been implemented on one hand but low-cost technologies such as mud architecture on the other hand are also explored which do not align with the ambitions of the urban population. As a result, technology is seen as the ultimate tool to address the environmental impact. Both have a significant environmental impact, and the lack of suitable technology and a framework for sustainability implies that the architectural profession has failed to realize the urgent need for building sustainable practices in India. sustainability checklists are not getting implemented at a large scale. Deepika Mathur states how there still is a gap in what the western world tells us green means in the context of India. In view of the current state of the world’s environment, sustainable design is an important topic. This thesis tries to understand what low-environmental impact means and to draw the difference between the conventional construction techniques and materials and the innovative ways that Anupama Kundoo has depicted in her three works respectively; Wall House, Volontariat Homes and Full-Fill Homes. The need emerges from identifying different drivers of environmental impact in the works of Anupama Kundoo and also to understand the solutions that have been offered by the architect to improve energy efficiency and to create a low environmental impact with rating systems, and sustainability checklists are not getting implemented at a large scale.The thesis provides a well-defined list of appropriate strategies depending on environmental impact, building systems, and design professionals. Its goal is to communicate resources to the right professionals so that they may make educated judgments on environmental impact during the design process.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.subjectThesis 2022en_US
dc.subjectB. Archen_US
dc.subjectConstruction materialen_US
dc.subjectWorks of Anupama Kundooen_US
dc.subjectConstruction technologyen_US
dc.subjectLow Ecological Impacten_US
dc.titleTo study The strategies of low environmental impact in the architectural works of Anupama Kundooen_US
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