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Title: Assessing The Relationship between the Ancient Principles of Vastu Shashtra and Climate Responsive Architecture in Two Different Climatic Regions of Gujarat: A Case of Contemporary Residences of Ahmedabad and Bharuch
Authors: Joshi, Tejshree
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2022
B. Arch
Vastu Shastra
Spatial organisation
Elements of nature
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00192
Abstract: Vastu Shastra is the ancient science of architecture. It is a method to build and design in accordance with the nature. The field of this subject is very wide and covers all the aspects related to architecture which are practiced today. Though the principles of Vastu Shastra are termed as ‘ancient’, but its ap plication can be done to built forms of all times. It is believed to be a method of designing based on beliefs, spirituality and mythology. But however, when one closely studies and dives into this field, one realises that it has a deeper mean ing. It is based also on the technicalities of building, logics and science pertaining to human comfort and the betterment of natural surroundings. There are various theories pointing towards how the right application of Vastu Shastra can change our lives for the better. But what is the actual science behind it? The science related to Vastu Shastra is the science of climatology. Climate and Vastu Shastra are two interlinked principles. This relation can be studied which helps one to derive their interdependence. The sun direction, wind direction and the earth’s magnetic field play a vital role in the Vastu Shastras. These factors are also very important in climate responsive architecture along with the material of buildings. Traditionally, houses were built which responded to the climatic conditions. If we look at residential spaces across Gujarat which pertain to the Vastu principles each house would be unique and different from each other even if the climatic conditions are similar. It may happen that a residential space is climate responsive but does not follow the Vastu principles or vice versa. Also, different climatic con ditions lead to different styles of architecture. But however, the Vastu principles remain constant. The principles of Vastu Shastra were the tools to design any space in the earlier times. The relevance of following the Vastu principles in today’s architecture is still not very clear. The an cient principles of Vastu Shastra can be applied to residential spaces even today but there are numer ous factors which will lead to many modifications in the existing Vastu principles. The Vastu Shastra talks about each and every detail of a building from site selection to the completion of constructionEach and every principle is based on a human scale. Each house would be different and here, the user experience plays a major role. Each house would have different requirements and different conditions to respond to. But the basic principle of climatic comfort and its linkage to the Vastu principles re mains. An effort will be made to closely analyse the contemporary residential built forms through the lens of climate and how the principles of Vastu Shastras play a role in it.
Description: Guided by: Prof. Parag Mistry
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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