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Title: Architecture as a Reflection of Traditional Indian Architecture: Interpreting The Modern Works of Shri Balkrishna Doshi
Authors: Shah, Saloni
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2022
B. Arch
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00243
Abstract: Shri Balkrishna Doshi belongs to the first generation of architects in post Independent India who has been instrumental in reclaiming the essence of “Indianness”, an unprecedented role in fusing philosophical and traditional sensibilities with modern reformist standards. His openness to ideas and support for Gandhian philosophy, “Open the windows but see that your roof is not blown out, make sure that the foundations are strong” (Gangwaur, March 2017), implies adaptation to new materials, technology and living styles as envisioned by Nehru, yet looking back to the geniuses of traditional Indian Architecture with deeper ingrained values. Committed deeply to modernism, Doshi intertwines notions of Indian traditions and ancient architectural texts with modernist principles of construction. This dissertation decodes the reinterpreted meanings of traditional Indian architecture in providing a framework for the modern works of Balkrishna Doshi in IndiaIn multiple interactive sessions and interviews with Balkrishna Doshi during the time of the Internship, a constant refrain to ‘tradition’, ‘modernity’ and ‘in between- was made. This enquiry led to reading multiple architects, authors, researchers, critics, and journalists about ‘the modern’ in Doshi’s work. With the backing of six prominent authors, this dissertation demonstrates the intentions and visions of the architect evident through his sketches and diagrams in the early stages of the projects. His rooting for “Indianness” paved the way for the conception of traditional Modernity as a creative problem-solving tool for the more significant issues in post-Independent India. The miniature drawings and story-telling modes also hint at some reinterpreted traditional methods and architectural elements in the projects. The significant findings and outcomes of this study include critically looking into the works of the architect- meanings of the built environment. My addition to the thesis at an undergraduate level consists of making comparative diagrams, sketches, and photographs of the built works compared to the architect’s references and precedents. The findings will be cross-validated with other researchers and expert surveys via the Likert scale.
Description: Guided by: Prof. Jaydeep Bhagat
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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