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Title: Deciphering the Underlying Framework Questioning Nature Inspired Layout Primarily Based on Behaviour Degree of Biomimicry
Authors: Parmar, Milindi
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2022
B. Arch
Biomimicry Architecture
Behavior level
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00239
Abstract: The following research aims to investigate the second level of biomimicry (Behavior level) in commercial buildings and the user's response by investigating the methods that have been implemented to bring about an evolution in the field of interaction between biology, design, engineering, and architecture. We, as humans, have long looked to nature for solutions to our issues. As humans, we are psychologically programmed to look up to not only organisms but also people that inspire us – and to attain, celebrate, and decipher their achievements and methods of sustenance. And everything we use is ultimately inspired by nature and is an interaction. It is astonishing to learn that numerous iconic building that have perplexed human vision are in some way, replicas of nature. Biomimicry is a design methods that asserts the incorporated parameters are those of nature. Such principles had found their way into a range of business enterprises. Biomimicry levels are extremely well informed in areas of incorporating it to a certain design concept. In behavior level biomimicry, the organism's behavior is replicated rather than the creature itself. It may be able to simulate the interactions between creatures or species in a similar manner. This research seeks to position itself via interaction in order to expose the technique and idea underlying a bio incorporated work - flow in nature inspired design strategies implemented in the design process performed to achieve a nature inspired product. It also seeks to discover the process of thought and strategy utilized to create design inspiration from nature.
Description: Guided by: Prof. Pratima Singh
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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