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Title: Enhancing the Quality of the Streets as Public Space
Authors: kuvadiya, Dhruv
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2021
B. Arch
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00174
Abstract: Public spaces are the beating heart of a city, a buzzing of activity and people. They improve the neighborhood’s livability by contributing to the local economy, safety, biodiversity, identity, and social relationships. It is a gathering spot for residents, workers, tourists, and passers-by. However, public spaces are losing their essential vibrant and public character as a result of the consequences of commercialization and urbanization. There is chaos around, with jumbled items. There was a time when moving around our cities and towns was a pleasurable and often enlightening activity. People liked to walk, shop, meet, play, and even just people-watch on the streets and open spaces. The urban areas were like a stage where the community gathered together and played a variety of shows of activities. People and places were pushed aside as the vehicle encroached on our communities. Walking from one place to another became Sky business, and the friendly atmosphere of the streets began to fade. In the midst of the traffic, what was once the essence of the town became lost. The vehicle, the mall, the business park, and the new town dominated the final part of the twentieth century. People that go down the street have no protection. Human scale is lacking in the streets. In public space design, public participation is not an important aspect of the planning and design process. There is need for people for a safe, casual, healthy, and fun environment on the streets and public spaces. Research is about the study of space between roads and building where there is urban intervention is done for people. In contrast to that, the site where there is no intervention done to understand the effects of the urban intervention and the problem in other places by observation, activity mapping and primary survey of people. How organized and intervened space is safer and more people associative space and study can be further used as design guideline for better street design for people.
Description: Guided by: Prof. Digisha Mehta
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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