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dc.contributor.authorTekwani, P. N.-
dc.contributor.authorMondal, Gopal-
dc.contributor.authorGopakumar, K.-
dc.contributor.authorLevi, Emil-
dc.descriptionIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 54 (4) Aug. 2007; Page No. 2344-2351en
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents a five-level inverter scheme with reduced power circuit complexity for an induction motor drive. The scheme is realized by cascading conventional two-level and three-level neutral point clamped inverters in conjunction with an open-end winding three-phase induction motor drive. An inverter control scheme with common-mode voltage (CMV) elimination, along with a simple dc link voltage control, is developed by using only switching states with zero CMV for the entire modulation range. Theoretical considerations are experimentally verified for a variety of operating conditions.en
dc.publisherIEEE Industrial Electronics Societyen
dc.subjectCommon-Mode Voltage (CMV) Eliminationen
dc.subjectInduction Motor Drivesen
dc.subjectMultilevel Inverteren
dc.subjectOpen-End Winding Structureen
dc.subjectElectrical Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleA Reduced-Switch-Count Five-Level Inverter With Common-Mode Voltage Elimination for an Open-End Winding Induction Motor Driveen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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