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dc.contributor.authorTekwani, P. N.-
dc.contributor.authorBaiju, M. R.-
dc.contributor.authorGopakumar, K.-
dc.contributor.authorKanchan, R. S.-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Power Electronic Conference, IPEC-2005, Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan, April 4-8, 2005en
dc.descriptionPage No. 1231-1238en
dc.description.abstractA seven-level inverter scheme, for an open-end winding induction motor drive, is proposed in this paper. The open-end winding induction motor is fed from both sides with three-level inverters. Each three-level inverter is formed by cascading two two-level inverters. The DC link voltage of the top two-level inverter is equal to Vdc /3, while the DC link voltage of the bottom two-level inverter is Vdc /6, where Vdc is the DC link voltage of the equivalent two-level inverter. This results in the space vector combinations similar to conventional seven-level inverter. The proposed seven-level inverter configuration requires lesser number of switching devices as compared to conventional seven-level inverter scheme. Similarly, lesser isolated power supplies are required when compared to the cascaded H-bridge configuration. A space phasor based PWM modulator is used for generation of inverter leg switching times and inverter-switching vectors, directly from instantaneous sampled magnitudes of reference voltages. The proposed scheme is implemented on a 1.5 kW, induction motor and the experimental results are presented.en
dc.subjectAC Drivesen
dc.subjectMulti-Level Invertersen
dc.subjectElectrical Faculty Paper-
dc.subjectFaculty Paper-
dc.titleA Seven Level Voltage Space Phasor Generation Scheme For An Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive With Asymmetric Dc Link Voltagesen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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