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dc.contributor.authorTekwani, P. N.-
dc.contributor.authorMondal, Gopal-
dc.contributor.authorGopakumar, K.-
dc.contributor.authorLevi, Emil-
dc.descriptionPage No. 589-596en
dc.description.abstractCommon mode voltage (CMV) variations in PWM inverter-fed drives generate unwanted shaft and bearing current resulting in early motor failure. Multilevel inverters reduce this problem to some extent, with higher number of levels. But the complexity of the power circuit increases with an increase in the number of inverter voltage levels. In this paper a five-level inverter structure is proposed for open-end winding induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading only two conventional two-level and three-level inverters, with the elimination of the common mode voltage over the entire modulation range. The DC link power supply requirement is also optimized by means of DC link capacitor voltage balancing, with PWM control, using only inverter switching state redundancies. The proposed power circuit gives a simple power bus structure.en
dc.subjectCommon Mode Voltageen
dc.subjectMulti-Level Invertersen
dc.subjectInduction Motor Drivesen
dc.subjectCapacitor Voltage Balancingen
dc.subjectElectrical Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleA Multi-Level Inverter Structure with Cascaded Two-Level and Three-Level Inverters for IM Drive with CMV Elimination and DC-link Capacitor Voltage Balancingen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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