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Title: Anatomy of Experimental Computational Grid and Elevated Research Issues
Authors: Bhavsar, Madhuri
Pradhan, S. N.
Keywords: Grid Computing
Computational Grid
Virtual Path Management
Pervasive Security
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2006
Abstract: This paper preserjts the analysis primed for the implemented computational model ,for seeking global minima deployed on Grid. This service mode! facilitates the optimum path between the specified stations of the city with the condition of covering all intermediate specified stations. Deployment on grid provides sharing and selection of distributed resources which are highly underufili~ed. However exploiting and utilization of these resources in computational Grids have presented significant challenges at all levels, including conceptual and implementation models, basic software tools, infrastructures and services, functioning and pervasive security, resource management and standards, and kept open challel)ge for researchers. This paper presents the research issues peculiar to the grid environment; whifh needs to be addressed, to fully leverage the advantages of the Gri~.
Description: NUCONE-2006; Page No. 454-456
ISBN: 81-8424-140-2
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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