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Title: Configurationof Serial Peripheral Interface and Clocking Scheme for SoC
Authors: Surti, Jayant I.
Keywords: EC 2005
EC Project Report
Project Report 2005
Project Report
VLSI 2005
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2007
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 05MEC015
Abstract: Serial Peripheral Interface is a simple interface which enables to communicate microcontroller and peripheral chips or intercommunicate between two or more microcontrollers. It operates in full duplex (sending and receiving at the same time), making it an excellent choice for some data transmission systems. This report contains the configuration or Serial Peripheral Interface and Clocking for SoC. The report shows that Serial Peripheral Interface Communicates with rest of SoC through DMA. Data Transferred Serially over to the input to a shift registers and transferred within each subsystem by means of parallel processing. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) can be configured as in serial or parallel mode. In Serial Mode the data can be sending and received serially. In parallel mode the data can be send serial data and can be received as parallel data. The Second phase of project contains the flow to provide clocking to whole SoC. Wherein the frequency generation of 64 MHz for SoC and 128 MHz for Display Control Unit is shown. The Clock source that are used here are Internal RC oscillator, External Crystal Oscillator, FMPLL. This will be multiplexed to generate Clock source for different power modes. The Real Time Clock is also a part of this flow. Here RTC will be responsible for generating Interrupts that will provide clock gating during the different modes.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (VLSI)

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