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Title: Elimination Of Common Mode Voltage and Fifth and Seventh Harmonics in a Multilevel Inverter fed IM Drive using 12-Sided Polygonal Voltage Space Phasor
Authors: Tekwani, P. N.
Lakshminarayanan, Sanjay
Mondal, Gopal
Gopakumar, K.
Keywords: Common Mode Voltage Elimination
Multilevel Inverters
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 12-Dec-2006
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, 2006. PEDES '06
Abstract: A multilevel inverter with 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector structure is proposed in this paper. The present scheme provides elimination of common mode voltage variation and 5th and 7th order harmonics in the entire operating range of the drive. The proposed multi level structure is achieved by cascading only the conventional two-level inverters with asymmetrical DC link voltages. The bandwidths problems associated with conventional hexagonal voltage space vector structure current controllers, due to the presence of 5th and 7th harmonics, in the over modulation region, is absent in the present 12-sided structure. So a linear voltage control up to 12- step operation is possible, from the present twelve sided scheme, with less current control complexity. An open-end winding structure is used for the induction motor drive.
ISBN: 0-7803-9772-X
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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