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Title: Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment using Adaptive Weight Function for All - Optical WDM Networks
Authors: Kothari, D. K.
Mahajan, S.
Tiwari, S.
Keywords: EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 26-Jan-2007
Citation: Thirteenth National Conference on Communications, IIT Kanpur (NCC'07), Jan. 26-28, 2007
Abstract: We propose a novel WDM aware weight function for solving the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem in optical WDM networks taking into consideration factors like number of used wavelengths , availability of free wavelengths and route length jointly under dynamic traffic conditions. The performance of proposed routing strategy is studied in combination with first-fit, and most used wavelength heuristics using simulation with and without wavelength continuity constraint. Firstly we demonstrate that the recently proposed weighted least congested routing algorithm with first-fit wavelength assignment (WLCR-FF) if instead used with most used wavelength assignment, gives better blocking performance. We further compare the performance of new weight function with most used wavelength assignment with systems employing WLCR-FF and FAR-FF algorithms for ring and mesh networks. The results show that the routing based on proposed weight function together with most used wavelength assignment achieve better performance in terms of blocking probability.
Description: NCC-2007, Page No. 116-120
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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